Fire detection and control systems

Fire detection and control systems

Fire detection and control systems are indispensable for safety. They will not only allow protection of people, but also equipment, installations, goods, materials, etc., in both public and private spheres. From homes, to universities, offices, industrial plants, warehouses, oil plants, with appropriate equipment you can protect your assets.

A main function on fire detection systems is precisely to detect fire as soon as possible, in its early stages when fire may be easier to fight. Late detection can cause large losses, delaying evacuation and emergency actions and hindering fire-fighting capabilities.

Fire control systems, as their name implies, designed to facilitate fire containment and prevent losses.

Today, technology has advanced so far that these systems have become indispensable in protecting people, property and processes from fire hazards.

What is a fire detection system?

A fire detection system detects unwanted fire by monitoring environmental conditions.

There are several types on fire detection systems:

Conventional fire detection systems: they work with physical zones where detectors are connected and report events by zone. They have a capacity established by manufacturer.

Intelligent fire detection systems: they work with technology that allows, among other things, to report each individual event. They can also be individually set to specific conditions in each environment, can operate in a network, automated, programmed to perform actions such as activating valves, releasing doors, remote control, etc.

Fire detection systems can also classify according to their form on action, automatic, manual or both.

Fire Control

It is not enough to detect fire in time, for a fire system to be effective, it must include, in addition to detection, fire containment and fight.

That is why a well-designed fire system includes

·         Fire Detection

Fire detection by means to equipment, either automatic, such as smoke, flame or heat detectors, or manual, which can operate on sight an attempted fire.

·         Alert and signaling

Bells, alarms, megaphones to PAGA (Public Address and General Alarm), which give fire warning. Also, signaling emergency exits, evacuation routes and battery lighting systems. Automatic systems can also alert firefighters or police to a situation.

·         Fire control

Depending on type, fire control systems can be water-based, powder-based, foam-based or snow-based. They might operate from fire extinguishers or pipes, such as fire hydrants, sprinklers, etc. They can be manual or automatic.

Additionally there is a stair pressurization method for high buildings. Using industrial fans designed to circulate air from bottom to a top vent. This is to prevent smoke from moving inside stairs. To be effective, it is essential to have fire rated doors.

Regulations for fire detection and control systems

International standards exist for design, installation, commissioning and service on fire detection and control systems. These standards cover everything. It covers from installation in appropriate places to correct manufacturing equipment. In addition, some countries have their own specific standards.

It is important that their fire detection and control systems comply with all specifications, from ISO, NFPA 72 or TS54-14 codes. Our partners can meet those expectations and more.

We distribute solutions from world leaders in fire detection and fight, fire protection, conventional, intelligent, manual, and automatic. Simple or complex solutions, residential, commercial, industrial, etc. From a single equipment, up to custom solutions to solve your fire protection needs.

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